Jump City USA Foundation
Giving Back to Our Community
The Jump City USA Foundation is a non profit 501(C)(3) foundation. Its goal is to provide the city of Cleveland and the surrounding suburbs with a safe, secure, after school facility.
If you would like to donate to the foundation, please fill out the donation form, in its entirety. You will receive a tax write off for your donation. The establishment will provide, after school tutoring for our youth, computer technology courses, study ward, financial / banking seminars, SAT/ACT courses, GED courses, X-Box/Wii/ Playstation Competitions, Exercise equipment/ Inflatable Relay Leagues, and a host of other activities for our youth, and the community.
We are continuing to work out the details on this project. Stay Tuned……….

Our Mission
Our mission is to promote positive development of our youth through life enhancing activities and character development experiences, by giving children an opportunity to unite, socialize, study, and participate in recreational activities in a safe, clean, after school environment, in which they can establish healthy ongoing relationships with professional teachers, caring adults and their peers.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide our children with alternative ways to use their leisure time, by supplying evidenced based activities, which influence the children’s lives to help them become productive adults.
Our Programs
Learn more about our programs by clicking on the title(s) below:
Tutor for All Program
This program will help raise academic and educational proficiency, by providing after school tutoring and homework help for children of all ages.
Money and Banking Program
This program will help children gain financial independency. And help them learn how to save money, and expose themselves to different aspects of saving money such as bank accounts, Traditional IRA’s, Roth IRA’s, etc. We will help teens expand their knowledge of money overall, especially by opening up a checking and savings account. We will bring in banking and financial specialists to help with this program.
Computer Tech Program
This program will provide basic computer training on how to use various Microsoft programs, such as Excel, Word, and Power Point.
Resume Builder/ Interview Techniques
This program will teach children how to build their resume for potential careers. And provide them with the skills necessary to conduct professional interviews.
Credit Report Seminars
This program will help high school children learn the importance of their credit report, and keeping their credit in good standings, and how to establish good credit. It will also teach them how to read their credit report, and how to get negative information off their credit report.
Inflatable Relay Leagues
This league will promote fitness and interpersonal skills amongst children by providing team races through inflatable obstacle courses.
SAT/ACT Courses
This program will help children study and prepare to take the ACT and SAT exams.
Exercise for Life Program
This program will give children healthy eating and living techniques that they can take into their adult lives. We will provide free inflatable bouncer play, weight lifting machinery and an exercise room to provide them with children aerobics and yoga classes.
X-Box /Wii/ Playstation
This activity will give the children an opportunity to socialize and be competitive with weekly competitions, by playing their favorite sports and action games with their peers.
Free inflatable rentals
The foundation will offer free inflatable rentals as a source of entertainment to low income families/ women and children shelters/ hospitals and schools, who are unable to afford this type of entertainment.
How to Help
Donations can be made by clicking the link below and printing out the donation page for submission to foundation.
You may receive a tax write off for your donation!
Wish List
The following items are needed immediately, and are considered our “Wish List” items:
School Supplies
Office Equipment
Exercise Equipment